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Parallel Writes

A common pattern with large distributed write jobs is to first initialize the dataset on a disk with all appropriate metadata, and any coordinate variables. Following this a large write job is kicked off in a distributed setting, where each worker is responsible for an independent "region" of the output.

Why is Icechunk different from any other Zarr store?

The reason is that unlike Zarr, Icechunk is a "stateful" store. The Session object keeps a record of all writes, that is then bundled together in a commit. Thus Session.commit must be executed on a Session object that knows about all writes, including those executed remotely in a multi-processing or any other remote execution context.


Here is how you can execute such writes with Icechunk, illustrate with a ThreadPoolExecutor. First read some example data, and create an Icechunk Repository.

import xarray as xr
import tempfile
from icechunk import Repository, local_filesystem_storage

ds = xr.tutorial.open_dataset("rasm").isel(time=slice(24))
repo = Repository.create(local_filesystem_storage(tempfile.mkdtemp()))
session = repo.writable_session("main")
We will orchestrate so that each task writes one timestep. This is an arbitrary choice but determines what we set for the Zarr chunk size.
chunks = {1 if dim == "time" else ds.sizes[dim] for dim in ds.Tair.dims}

Initialize the dataset using Dataset.to_zarr and compute=False, this will NOT write any chunked array data, but will write all array metadata, and any in-memory arrays (only time in this case).

ds.to_zarr(, compute=False, encoding={"Tair": {"chunks": chunks}}, mode="w")
# this commit is optional, but may be useful in your workflow
session.commit("initialize store")


First define a function that constitutes one "write task".

from icechunk import Session

def write_timestamp(*, itime: int, session: Session) -> None:
    # pass a list to isel to preserve the time dimension
    ds = xr.tutorial.open_dataset("rasm").isel(time=[itime])
    # region="auto" tells Xarray to infer which "region" of the output arrays to write to.
    ds.to_zarr(, region="auto", consolidated=False)

Now execute the writes.

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, wait
from icechunk.distributed import merge_sessions

session = repo.writable_session("main")
with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
    # submit the writes
    futures = [executor.submit(write_timestamp, itime=i, session=session) for i in range(ds.sizes["time"])]

session.commit("finished writes")

Verify that the writes worked as expected:

ondisk = xr.open_zarr(repo.readonly_session(branch="main").store, consolidated=False)
xr.testing.assert_identical(ds, ondisk)

Distributed writes

Any task execution framework (e.g. ProcessPoolExecutor, Joblib, Lithops, Dask Distributed, Ray, etc.) can be used instead of the ThreadPoolExecutor. However such workloads should account for Icehunk being a "stateful" store that records changes executed in a write session.

There are three key points to keep in mind: 1. The write_task function must return the Session. It contains a record of the changes executed by this task. These changes must be manually communicated back to the coordinating process, since each of the distributed processes are working with their own independent Session instance. 2. Icechunk requires that users opt-in to pickling a writable Session using the Session.allow_pickling() context manager, to remind the user that distributed writes with Icechunk require care. 3. The user must manually merge the Session objects to create a meaningful commit.

First we modify write_task to return the Session:

from icechunk import Session

def write_timestamp(*, itime: int, session: Session) -> Session:
    # pass a list to isel to preserve the time dimension
    ds = xr.tutorial.open_dataset("rasm").isel(time=[itime])
    # region="auto" tells Xarray to infer which "region" of the output arrays to write to.
    ds.to_zarr(, region="auto", consolidated=False)
    return session

Now we issue write tasks within the session.allow_pickling() context, gather the Sessions from individual tasks, merge them, and make a successful commit.

from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from icechunk.distributed import merge_sessions

session = repo.writable_session("main")
with ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
    # opt-in to successful pickling of a writable session
    with session.allow_pickling():
        # submit the writes
        futures = [
            executor.submit(write_timestamp, itime=i, session=session)
            for i in range(ds.sizes["time"])
    # grab the Session objects from each individual write task
    sessions = [f.result() for f in futures]

# manually merge the remote sessions in to the local session
session = merge_sessions(session, *sessions)
session.commit("finished writes")

Verify that the writes worked as expected:

ondisk = xr.open_zarr(repo.readonly_session(branch="main").store, consolidated=False)
xr.testing.assert_identical(ds, ondisk)